Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yebisu - Game Fugu Beer of Japan Award

A six pack of Yebisu turned up recently from Japan, and has since been 66.66% decimated by it's natural predator - the Game Fugu. Asahi, Sapporo and Kirini Ichiban all have a place in my heart, but golden Yebisu is my number one.


underneath2424 said...

Hi, nice to see you. How did you get them? I can get ASAHI in TESCO but It seem to difficult to get YEBISU :-(

SaijoBob said...

They were a gift from some friends, but I did find Yebisu in the Oriental Supermarket near Bayswater yesterday. You can get a 360ml can for £1.50 there, which isn't too bad.

Asahi is a better price, but the Tesco version is brewed in Poland :-(

underneath2424 said...

Oh, really! Bayswater,,, I'll try. There are many oriental foods shops in London, but to find beer is difficult.
ASAHI is not so bad because it's inexpensive as you said.

By the way, before I tried to leave comment "ヲタク日記" but I couldn't. It's really nice blog ;-)